
An Alternate Lens

People have been searching for ways to alter their surroundings forever. Whether it be it through (in no particular order) drugs, art, architecture, design, vandalism, whatever, I believe humans are constantly searching for ways in which they can alter and gain a new perspective on their reality. In this regard, the camera is perhaps the most powerful medium of all -- dissecting life through its lens offers a new take on our surroundings, showcasing our habitats in ways previously unimagined. Alex Greenburg understands this, his work is the proof and speaks for itself. Catch him and his photos at The SUB, an art and community space, in San Francisco's Mission District.

Erik Hansen, photographer and uncle of TwentyTwelve artist WebbieG, showcases new worlds by altering capabilities of cameras, creating images of habitats and worlds previously unimagined. Most impressively without the use of computer programs. For proof, check out his two series: Imaginary Timescapes and Industrial/Ogranic: Echoes of Man in a New World.